Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Funds and Expenses

Kathleen and I feel that it is important if we are doing fundraising for our adoption of Kellin that we are very transparent with where the money is going to.  We will do our best to keep those of you helping out, and following along with where we are at.

To that end over on the side of the blog you will find two things:

The first is a thermometer of where we are at compared to the estimated $30,000 in costs.  This dollar amount is a total of how much we have spent out of pocket so far, how much we have in our adoption checking account and how much Kellin's account on Reece's Rainbow is up to.

The second is a current total of what we have spent, and then a scrolling list of all the different expense that have accrued so far.  The only thing I've left off is really minor things like postage and the gas to say go into town to get something notarized.

So far the bulk of the funds has come from our own bank accounts (as it should).  We also have about $250 in the total from the garage sale and a little over $400 for what is in Kellin's account at Reece's Rainbow so far.  Some other fundraisers we have planned for the future:
  • The Racing 2 Kellin Challenge - Participants get a t-shirt and a reason to get out and exercise.  We encourage everyone to get pledges from others as well, but you don't have to.
  • A couple of Pizza Ranch nights - dates TBD
  • Another garage sale - a few people had mentioned they wanted to help with donations of items to our garage sale, and we didn't give people enough notice.
There is another fundraiser that I don't want to leave out has been offered up by one of Kellin's many supporters.  I don't have the details of that one and I don't want to get anything wrong.  Kathleen will share details of that later, but she is up in bed right now.  

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