Tuesday, June 17, 2014


A big step forward in our adoption process today - we sent off our packet of dossier documents to our adoption agency!  This is a BIG stack of papers and photos that we have spent the last two months gathering and filling out (sometimes going through more than one draft to get the information right).  If we did everything right, this packet should contain everything we need for our dossier to China, except for the USCIS approval which is still in process.  In order to get that approval, we need to be fingerprinted (AGAIN) and we received our fingerprint appointment in the mail yesterday.  It is scheduled for next Wednesday.  Once that is done, we wait for our USCIS approval (which can take 1-2 months), and then our dossier is ready to go to China!

Just to give you an idea of the amount of paper we sent off today, here is a picture of the papers and pictures laid out on our dining room table.  Keep in mind that a couple of those papers are actually piles of papers, not single pieces.  Oh, and this picture doesn't even show the papers that the adoption agency already has (background checks, letters of reference, home study).

We also had the privilege of sending off a care package to Kellin this week.  We were able to send him a blanket and a toy, along with a letter and camera (with film) for his caregivers.  We hope that they will give the gifts to him, and that they will use the camera to take more pictures for us.

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