Sunday, October 25, 2015

Happy Birthday to My Baby!

Yesterday was Pooh's fourth birthday. We celebrated the day by going to the children's museum and then a special supper - Pooh chose chicken enchiladas followed by chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and chocolate ice cream. And to add to the fun, we had cousins visiting for the weekend, making for a very busy and exciting time!

Technically, Pooh is my "baby" because he is two months younger than Kellin, although of course most of the time, we think of Kellin as our baby because he really is the youngest in every way (size, developmentally, level of independence) except age. But I still like to think of Pooh as my "baby" sometimes.

Pooh was born four years ago, after my most difficult pregnancy (although I recognize it was not nearly as difficult as some). I had morning sickness for five months, and shortly after that ended, I developed gestational diabetes and had to follow a strict diet for the rest of my pregnancy. Pooh was born full-term and healthy, but after birth his blood sugar dropped a bit too low (common with babies whose mothers had gestational diabetes) and he lost too much weight. The solution to both of these issues, so the nurses told me, was to feed him more (I was nursing). Yeah, right. Easier said than done. Pooh was SUCH a sound sleeper that even though I tried to wake him every couple hours to eat, many times I did not succeed in getting him to wake up enough to eat. When we left the hospital, it was with instructions to bring him back in a couple days to have him weighed again. Thankfully, once we got home, Pooh decided to be awake and eat more, and he rapidly gained weight after that.

Pooh turned out to be the most delightful third child anyone could ask for. He was a content baby, a good eater, and easy to care for (except for sleeping, which was the only thing I could really complain about - and I blame this on the fact that for those first couple weeks I was not supposed to let him sleep very long without eating - thereby conditioning him to wake up frequently). He was a little bit of a later walker and talker, which I think was just because he was such an easygoing guy. As a toddler, his favorite activity, that would keep him occupied for long periods of time, was to sit on the floor surrounded by books and look through them one at a time. For a long time in public, he was very shy and did not talk to strangers, so much so that when he finally DID decide to talk to people (just within the last year), many people remarked on how they had no idea he could talk like that!

Now Pooh is a VERY articulate and curious four-year-old who talks all the time and asks questions constantly. His current interest is water towers (how they look, what they do, how they are same and different, etc.), and we actually put together a photo book of water towers as his birthday gift. He is a wonderful, delightful child and we are so blessed to have him as part of our family!

Happy Birthday, Pooh!

1 comment:

Thank you for your comment. I will put it up on the blog as soon as I review it for appropriateness.
