Today is Quinntavius’s fifth birthday. He has now spent half a decade alone.
And what has he received for his birthday? Something horrible and heartbreaking.
Quinntavius’s orphanage has pulled his file. That means he is no longer available for adoption. They say he has “deteriorated” too much for him to be adopted.
I hardly dare to speculate about what this means. But I have heard of other cases when this happened, and usually it was because the child was gravely ill, either from untreated/undiagnosed medical conditions or from extreme neglect/starvation. Both of these scenarios are painful to consider.
I try to remind myself that this doesn’t mean there is no hope for him. Sometimes children are re-listed. Or sometimes if a family steps forward for a child, the orphanage will reconsider.
Although I’ve never met Quinntavius, I’ve prayed for him, advocated for him, loved him from afar. He’s mine, in a special way.
If nothing else, Quinntavius will not be forgotten. If anyone out there wants to join me in praying for him - for his life, for his future - I would be grateful.