It was nice to see progress in our fundraising efforts towards our goal. But even better is seeing progress towards getting Kellin home! We could have lived with not making our fundraising goal, we have good credit. We couldn't live with not reaching the ultimate goal of getting our son home!
Thankfully from here on out, stages should move more predictably. Which is good, because not knowing when to expect something to happen is agonizing. Now if we could just get an update on how he is doing...
Sometimes it definitely feels like this process needs to get with the 21st century. As paperwork is snail-mailed back and forth, piled on somebodies desk (?) waiting to be read through. The same questions are asked and answered on multiple forms... People always say, "Where there's a will there's a way." Is there really not enough of a will to get children home faster? Perhaps people worry if the process was too fast then people would not have time to really think it over. Or that children would get placed in bad environments. Seems like there should be a happy medium.
To end on a positive, let me reiterate - PROGRESS!!
And just because it is almost Halloween. Pooh thinks it is time for something sweet.
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