Thursday, December 31, 2015


Today is the last day of the Angel Tree fundraiser. We've been working hard over the past two months to raise money for our chosen child, ten-year-old Xander in China. The goal of Angel Tree is to raise $1000 (or more) for each child featured on the tree. Xander's Angel Tree account is now at $1243.30, so we made it! Thank you to everyone who bought fudge, purchased Rabbit's thank-you cards, and collected spare change. We know that there are still people collecting change, and we ask that you continue to do so, as Xander's account (and those of many other children) can receive donations all year long.

The other goal of Angel Tree, that is only met for a very few children each year, is to find a family of their very own. This goal has not been met for Xander. So if you would bear with me, I'd like to tell you about Xander. This story is based on the known facts about Xander and knowledge of the societal norms in China. It is not necessarily a complete and accurate account of his life.

Sometime in March of 2005, a baby boy was born in China. At birth, he appeared to be a healthy baby boy, and his family celebrated. Sometime during his first days or weeks of life, his parents were told that their precious baby boy had Down Syndrome. This was devastating news. His parents were told by doctors, family members, friends, co-workers, and neighbors that there was no hope for this child, that they should abandon him so he could be better cared for, and so that they could have a chance for another healthy child. His parents were pressured from all sides and agonized over their decision. And then they did something almost unheard-of - they chose to keep him. This cost them family support and friends, a sacrifice they made to care for their baby boy.

They cared for their baby, fed him, tucked him into bed at night. They saw his first steps, heard his first words, learned his personality, likes, and dislikes. They loved him.

Around the time he turned six years old, something changed. Other children his age were beginning to go off to school, an opportunity that was not open to a child with Down Syndrome. His parents were forced to face the reality that keeping him meant keeping him close and hidden forever, with no opportunities for him to attend school, have a job, or perhaps even access medical care when needed. They began to believe that he would be better off somewhere else, that perhaps he would have more opportunities for education and medical care, that he would have the chance to be adopted to another country. And so, after knowing their son for six years, they abandoned him.

At the time he was abandoned, the orphanage workers described him as active and sometimes naughty - probably his way of expressing his confusion and hurt over his abandonment. With time, he settled down and was described as obedient and independent in his self-care skills. He can say some words but does not express himself in full sentences. He is able to attend school, a privilege not given to all children with Down Syndrome in China.

His orphanage took the time and paid the expense to have his file prepared for adoption. He was given the advocacy name "Xander," and listed on waiting children sites. He waits for a new family.

By all accounts, Xander is doing well for a child of his age with Down Syndrome. He cares for himself independently, follows directions, and speaks. He just needs a family.

Angel Tree is not over until midnight tonight. Many children still need donations to get to their $1000 goal. Please consider blessing one of these children with a donation tonight. Even a donation of $1 helps. We all received many gifts over this Christmas season. Now think about giving a child a gift that increases their chances of having one of the greatest gifts imaginable - A FAMILY.

Angel Tree

Monday, December 28, 2015

Kellin's "First" Christmas

One year ago, Kellin was still in China, just a couple weeks before I met him. So this year was his "first" Christmas! I am so thankful that he is now here with us, loved and cherished, instead of alone in a crib as he was last year. Check out the pictures below! These are just pictures from my phone, not including those taken by other people on their phones, so it's certainly not a complete picture of our Christmas, but it's a start. I will try to post more pictures later.

Rabbit played Mary in the kids' Christmas program at church
We had our own Christmas at home before heading to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Sneaky Santa came while we were at church!

Harry Potter trivia for the Harry Potter fan!

Guess who LOVES Star Wars? He and Daddy got to go and see the movie just a couple days ago.

And the one thing Tigger kept insisting he needed for Christmas? A robot, of course!

Pooh's Christmas request - "pretend stuff." Rabbit sewed him this apron.

And here's his new firefighter costume

Checking out a new toy

And another - Kellin seems to enjoy his new toys, as long as they make music, of course!

A new drum!
Kellin was very interested in his stocking. He even put his hand inside!
Rabbit got new curtains for her room (apparently, she is now too old for the pink and purple sparkly ones)

New pajamas! Getting ready for pajama day at school!

And Rabbit got a new rug for her bedroom. She is REALLY into zebra-print patterns!

It's kind of hard to tell, but all three boys are wearing their new matching wookie pajamas.
Driving to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Pooh thought it was hilarious that his favorite stuffed animal Fin helped Daddy drive.
Grandma and Grandpa decided that our first supper at their house would be Chinese food, in honor of Kellin. Here is Rabbit's attempt to use chopsticks.

And Tigger trying it out, with a demonstration from Grandpa

And Pooh. He didn't really get the chopsticks - but he liked the food!

Pooh and Grandma building together

Kellin exploring the fridge at Grandma and Grandpa's house. This is often how he explores new things - by licking - especially smooth, cold surfaces (like windows, or fridges).

This is a singing Santa, and Kellin was fascinated.
It was a good Christmas. Kellin demonstrated beyond a doubt that he is feeling secure with us. Even with the traveling and mixed-up routines, he was a trooper and smiled and cuddled his way through most of the fun. He has really turned a corner over the last month. He is happy much more often than he is fussy, and when he does get upset, it doesn't last nearly as long as it used to. I don't know what caused this change, but perhaps he has finally worked through some of the trauma from his past. Perhaps he is finally feeling truly safe with us. We don't know - but we are thrilled that he is doing so well!

During this holiday season, let's not forget about those orphans that still wait. I find that these waiting children have been even more on my mind than usual. Here we are, with everything we need (food, warmth, family, love) and even most of what we want, while there are many, many children who are shivering and starving in their cribs while we celebrate in comfort and joy. Some days, I am so heartbroken and desperate for these children that the pain is almost physical. Please join me in praying, advocating, donating, remembering - so that these children are not forgotten.  Quinntavius's file has been picked up off of the shared list by yet another agency - perhaps this agency can find him the home and family he so desperately needs and deserves.
Jesse again :-)
And handsome Robbie!
Merry Christmas!!!!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Another Perspective

Ever wondered what happens to all these orphans when they become too old to be adopted? The answer varies based on the child's special needs, and on the country they live in, but here's one example.

This is Barbara.
Barbara is 15 years old. She is an orphan and has cerebral palsy, which affects her legs so she cannot walk. She is independent in caring for herself. She is fortunate to be able to attend school and is doing well. Although she is a smart, independent girl, if she is not adopted, she will be placed in an adult mental institution for the rest of her life. She will not have a family, or a job, or friends outside of the institution. She will be stuck - forever. All of her intelligence and potential will be wasted, simply because she cannot walk. To me, this is a tragedy and an outrage, and it breaks my heart. And because she is already 15 years old, her time is running out. Where is her family??

And remember this little guy?
He is known as Quinntavius on Reece's Rainbow. He will soon turn four years old and his special needs are a missing right hand, droopy eyelids, and developmental delays (which may or may not be the result of institutionalization). Over the past several months, his file has been designated to two different agencies (an agency can hold a child's file for a specific period of time, and if anyone chooses to adopt the child during that time, they must do so through the agency that holds the file). These agencies both tried to find a family for him, but neither was successful, and precious little Quinntavius has just gone back on the shared list (meaning any agency can pull his file). I just can't believe that he has had two agencies advocating for him - and yet still no one has chosen him. I LOVE this little guy and would desperately like to see him in a family. Although there are no guarantees, it is entirely possible that his delays are because of his orphanage environment and that his only true issues are his missing hand and droopy eyelids - and neither of those are really a big deal! There MUST be a family out there who needs a little boy just like this! The love and care of a family could make all the difference!

Speaking of the difference a family can make . . .

Someone got his first pre-cane!!!! Doesn't he look independent?

And an Angel Tree update: We have raised $727.30 for Xander so far, and our fundraisers are still going on! Now if we could just find him a family . . .

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Bits and Pieces

This blog post may be a bit random . . . but here goes!

First of all, what's new with Kellin?

He had a height and weight check on Friday. He is 36 inches tall (same as in August) but weighs a whole pound more! He now weighs 24 lbs 4.5 oz. While this is still very small for his age, it means that he has gained almost 5 pounds since arriving home in January. An interesting side note - Pooh was also weighed at that appointment (remember he is two months younger than Kellin) and he weighs 45 pounds and is at the very top of the growth charts. Our "twins" couldn't be more different in size. :-)

Getting ready to leave the doctor's office
Since he started putting food into his own mouth, Kellin has always chewed on the right side of his mouth. Always. But this weekend, we saw him (several times) chew food on the left side of his mouth. All on his own!

Kellin is babbling and "singing" even more than before. He is becoming noisier all the time!

Now that it is winter here, we are starting to make Kellin wear a hat and mittens outside. And he does NOT think this is a good idea. He particularly hates to wear a hat. He's very good at getting his hat and mittens off, too. BUT he very quickly learned what it means when someone says "hat on" or "mittens on" and he will stop trying to take them off (only for a minute - you have to keep saying it or he will take them off as soon as he thinks you are distracted - smart boy!).

We decorated our Christmas tree today. It will be Kellin's "first" Christmas!

Setting up the Nativity scenes

Apparently, that ornament belongs WAY up high

Love the hat!

Best picture of the four kids in front of the tree

Love that face!

Kellin touching the tree - he was not really impressed

Moving on to our Angel Tree projects:

Xander's Angel Tree account now has $190 in it - and I know for a fact that there are at least two checks in the mail on their way to be added! Rabbit has raised quite a bit of money by selling the thank-you cards she designed, but she still has more cards! If you are interested, here are pictures of her designs. She is asking for at least a $1 donation for each card, or $4 for 5 cards. You can mix and match whichever designs you like. I have noted under each picture how many cards Rabbit has left. Message me, leave a comment - we will send the cards to you!

6 left

4 left

10 left

2 left

6 left

4 left
We are also starting our fudge fundraiser! We will be making chocolate, mint chocolate chip, and peanut butter fudge. We will be charging $4 per "brick" of fudge (about 6 pieces). We are not shipping fudge, but if you live locally or we will be seeing you soon, we will find a way to get the fudge to you! Comment, send a message - let me know somehow and we will make you your fudge! I promise it is yummy!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

So How is Kellin Doing?

Time for an update!

Kellin is showing more and more independence, more desire to do things for himself. Check this out!

Yes, that is Kellin HOLDING a cracker and taking BITES off of it! Getting Kellin to eat has been such a long journey, and those of you who have followed this blog for awhile know that getting him to touch, hold, chew, and bite food has been an intense, often unpleasant, process. And yet, here he is! Eating a cracker just like any other four-year-old would! Give him a meal of finger foods (as long as they are dry, crunchy foods) and he will feed himself! We still have a ways to go toward getting Kellin to feed himself different textures and getting more proficient with a spoon, but wow, we have come a long way.

Here he is walking down the stairs by himself. He always looks so tiny when he does this because he has to reach UP to hold onto the railing! It's pretty cute, though.

And this one is a picture from just this morning. Kellin is getting pretty comfortable walking around the living room, dining room, and kitchen, so after he finished eating and climbed down from his chair, he walked into the living room. A couple minutes later, I went to check on him and found that he had walked to the window, and when he found a box of blocks in his way, he decided to climb up on it to get a better view. Getting more adventurous and confident all the time!

For those of you who have been asking - no, Kellin is not using any words yet. He continues to use some signs to communicate and he is really babbling a lot more, but no genuine spoken words. This is one area that continues to be very difficult for all of us. Kellin is often an unhappy little boy and without him being able to communicate, it makes him (and us) so frustrated when we just don't know what is wrong. We know that when he came home, he did not use any Chinese words, which we suspect is the result of those two years in a crib, when no one tried to communicate with him. While we still believe that he has the capacity to learn to speak, it gets harder and harder all the time to cope with the fact that has not learned any words yet. We talk and sing to Kellin all the time, and we KNOW he understands so much (he can follow lots of simple directions!) - but he just can't seem to make the connection that he can use words to tell us things. I know that he most likely has to "re-wire" his brain after all that time of neglect in his crib, so I am trying to be patient and to have hope that he will figure this out eventually.

On a different note:

We are working on fundraisers for our Angel Tree child! Rabbit has designed her own thank-you cards and will be selling those to anyone who is interested. She created some amazing and fun designs that would be perfect for sending thank-yous to friends and family after the holidays. I will be posting pictures and details soon! We are willing to send them to people, so if you don't live locally, you can still purchase some.

The other fundraiser we are planning is to sell fudge. We won't be shipping the fudge, so this fundraiser is for local friends and family, and for anyone we may see over the next month.

I will be doing a post within the next few days with details about price and how to order and pay.

Please remember our Angel Tree "baby" - Xander, who continues to wait in an orphanage in China for a forever family. If you feel led to make a donation, you can follow the link below. Remember that a donation of $35 or more gets you an ornament for your Christmas tree! The link will get you to the Angel Tree website, but you will still have to find Xander. The children are organized alphabetically within groups based on how much money has been raised for them (Xander currently has $5 in his account, but we already have more donations here at home waiting to be sent in, which will be added soon) or you can use the CTRL-F function to search for him. Xander is ten years old and has been waiting four long years to be chosen for adoption. He has only a little over three more years before he will "age out" and no longer have a chance.
