Sunday, December 6, 2015

Bits and Pieces

This blog post may be a bit random . . . but here goes!

First of all, what's new with Kellin?

He had a height and weight check on Friday. He is 36 inches tall (same as in August) but weighs a whole pound more! He now weighs 24 lbs 4.5 oz. While this is still very small for his age, it means that he has gained almost 5 pounds since arriving home in January. An interesting side note - Pooh was also weighed at that appointment (remember he is two months younger than Kellin) and he weighs 45 pounds and is at the very top of the growth charts. Our "twins" couldn't be more different in size. :-)

Getting ready to leave the doctor's office
Since he started putting food into his own mouth, Kellin has always chewed on the right side of his mouth. Always. But this weekend, we saw him (several times) chew food on the left side of his mouth. All on his own!

Kellin is babbling and "singing" even more than before. He is becoming noisier all the time!

Now that it is winter here, we are starting to make Kellin wear a hat and mittens outside. And he does NOT think this is a good idea. He particularly hates to wear a hat. He's very good at getting his hat and mittens off, too. BUT he very quickly learned what it means when someone says "hat on" or "mittens on" and he will stop trying to take them off (only for a minute - you have to keep saying it or he will take them off as soon as he thinks you are distracted - smart boy!).

We decorated our Christmas tree today. It will be Kellin's "first" Christmas!

Setting up the Nativity scenes

Apparently, that ornament belongs WAY up high

Love the hat!

Best picture of the four kids in front of the tree

Love that face!

Kellin touching the tree - he was not really impressed

Moving on to our Angel Tree projects:

Xander's Angel Tree account now has $190 in it - and I know for a fact that there are at least two checks in the mail on their way to be added! Rabbit has raised quite a bit of money by selling the thank-you cards she designed, but she still has more cards! If you are interested, here are pictures of her designs. She is asking for at least a $1 donation for each card, or $4 for 5 cards. You can mix and match whichever designs you like. I have noted under each picture how many cards Rabbit has left. Message me, leave a comment - we will send the cards to you!

6 left

4 left

10 left

2 left

6 left

4 left
We are also starting our fudge fundraiser! We will be making chocolate, mint chocolate chip, and peanut butter fudge. We will be charging $4 per "brick" of fudge (about 6 pieces). We are not shipping fudge, but if you live locally or we will be seeing you soon, we will find a way to get the fudge to you! Comment, send a message - let me know somehow and we will make you your fudge! I promise it is yummy!!

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