Monday, September 7, 2015

One Week Down

This past Monday marked the end of summer in our household, meaning that Eric and I went back to work (as we are both teachers) and our children went back to daycare full-time. This is routine for Rabbit, Tigger, and Pooh, but a huge transition for Kellin. Since he came home in January, he had never been left with anyone other than Mommy or Daddy up until just a couple weeks ago. I am happy to report that everything seemed to go very smoothly for him at his new daycare.

It was very difficult to find a daycare for Kellin. I started calling places back in May, looking for two openings (because we wanted to keep Kellin and Pooh somewhere together) and for someone who was willing to take on Kellin's special needs. This proved to be quite the challenge. Some places just didn't have two openings, and other places were honest and said that they didn't feel they could provide the attention and care that Kellin needs. The daycare search was exhausting and frustrating, to say the least. In light of this week's success, I am hopeful that the daycare we eventually found will be a good fit for both of our little boys.

Because this has been the first time we've really "tested" Kellin's attachment to us, I was nervous about how that would go, but it seems that Kellin was showing some very appropriate signs of attachment! He fusses a little when I tell him we are going to daycare and a little bit when I leave, and he is happy to see me when I come back - so I know he misses us and would prefer to be with us, but he also does well with the daycare provider and allows her to help him and comfort him. In another week, Kellin will start preschool in the mornings, followed by a bus ride to daycare, so he will have more transitions to manage.

In terms of new skills - Kellin has figure out how to put things "in!" I know, it doesn't sound like a big deal, but earlier in the summer, I tried over and over and over to get Kellin to put shapes into his shape sorter (not into the right holes, just into the bucket), and he cried every time and didn't seem to get it AT ALL. After a while, I gave up, figuring it wasn't that important and he didn't seem to be ready. A couple weeks ago, I tried again - and discovered that not only can he put shapes into the bucket, but he can also use this toy that involves putting coins into a slot to make music play, which is of course much more difficult than just dropping a shape into a bucket. He still needs a little help getting the coin turned the right way, but he totally has the idea. Something must have just clicked in his little mind (although he still fusses about it sometimes).

Kellin has finally figured out that when I say "set it down" (referring to his spoon while eating), he needs to set it back down into his bowl. So now he can bring the spoon from the bowl to his mouth, put it into his mouth, and bring the spoon back down to the bowl (if he feels like it, of course). He still needs help scooping the food onto his spoon.

Kellin continues to show that he understands more and more language all the time. Now he is understanding "step up" (he will lift his foot) and "step down" (he inches his toes forward to find the edge of the step). Still no words though.  :-(

Kellin's awareness of getting around our house is increasing too. He seems to know his way around the rooms where he spends most of his time, although I'm not sure he really knows about the basement and a couple of other rooms he rarely goes into.

Let's finish with some fun pictures! And yes, I know that there are many more of some of the kids than others - just depends on what I've taken on my phone recently!

We went to a local Renaissance festival and Pooh decided he was a knight!

Daddy, Pooh, and Tigger on a CAMEL!

We visited Kellin's new school and Pooh found a fun helmet to try on.

LOVE this toothless grin!

Grandma and Grandpa skyping with Kellin on his birthday

These two love each other so much! Maybe you can't tell - but behind that remote, Kellin has a huge grin!

Rabbit, Tigger, and Pooh came up with the idea of filling plastic eggs with different materials and putting them into an empty egg carton as a gift for Kellin for his birthday - and he really likes them, especially the one with coins inside!

After years of watching Rabbit do gymnastics, Pooh asked if he could try!

Pooh and Kellin asleep in the car. Yes, Kellin is under that blanket - he does this often.

Did you know this is how you eat an ice cream cone? All the way down one side until the ice cream starts to drip out . . . 

At the Renaissance festival - Rabbit got this fancy medieval braid!

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