Saturday, March 7, 2015


This week means a big change around our house.  My leave from work is over, and I will return to my job on Monday.  Eric begins his time of staying home with Kellin and Pooh.  I am looking forward to getting back to my students (I teach two classes of preschoolers with special needs, and I LOVE my job), but it's sad that my time to be at home with my two little ones is over.  Of course, they will be having a blast at home with Daddy and I know they will be in great hands!

Kellin's newest skills:
-Drinking from a sippy cup (and even holding it himself sometimes)
-Crawling! (still with a little bit of help but he is SO CLOSE)
-Exploring! He uses his ride-on train to get around, and if he is sitting on the floor, he feels around for the toys and objects near him.
-Talking?  I'm pretty sure I've heard him say a meaningful "mama" a few times, and the other day he said the name of his older sister.
-Making connections - he has certain songs that he loves, and will reach for our hands to get us to do the actions.  The other day I started singing "The Ants Go Marching," which is a song that Daddy had sung with him a few times but I never had.  He immediately dropped the toy he was holding, reached for my hands, and tried to "show" me how to do the actions.  Unfortunately, I didn't know what actions Daddy had taught him - but it was SO AMAZING that he remembered the song and actions all on his own.  And after only having heard it a few times!
-Preferences - he has definite favorites among his toys and he will protest by holding on or fussing if you try and take one of them.  Such a dramatic change from the passive little guy he used to be!
-Sleeping - I will cautiously say that sleeping is again improving, but we will see if it continues.

Kellin will have a sedated MRI, eye exam, and ultrasound of his eyes on Tuesday, so please keep him in your thoughts and prayers that day!

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