Tomorrow Kellin turns five years old. This tiny little guy who is about as tall as a two- or three-year-old and weighs about the same as a one-year-old has been around half a decade. And while we are excited to celebrate Kellin and I’m so glad he is surrounded by a family who loves him, it’s hard sometimes to think about the fact that he is five. Because developmentally, he is nowhere near five years old.
And then I think about him as a 19-month-old, which is how long he’s been with our family (and really, in many ways, that was the start of his life). Then the picture is much brighter, because I think he could hold his own with most other blind children who are 19 months old, and even surpass them in some areas (I don’t know too many 19-month-olds who use the potty regularly, for example).
Tomorrow we want to celebrate Kellin, and so I thought it would be helpful to make a list of all his recent accomplishments, as a reminder to myself and everyone that Kellin is doing well, moving forward, and just an amazing little guy. I’m not sure I could have overcome two long, lonely, unloved years as well as he has. So here it is - all the things that Kellin has learned to do this summer:
- Drinks from an open cup, only occasionally spilling.
- When called to come and eat, leaves his play area, walks to the table, and climbs into his chair.
- Turns off the music on his toys when moving on to something else.
- Uses the potty several times a day, stays dry all night.
- Sleeps in a “big boy” bed.
- Uses sounds in an attempt to communicate.
- Figures out new toys after being shown how to use them only a few times.
- Walks with his cane, even independently if he feels like it (only rarely).
- Understands that when doing his shape puzzle, if one hand is on the hole in the puzzle, he needs to bring the other hand (holding the piece) to that spot and move it around until it falls into place.
- Enjoys listening to books and even seeks them out on his own occasionally.
- Chews food more easily; the muscles in his mouth are stronger.
- No throwing up in over a month.
- Puts short and shirt on with minimal prompting.
- Helps put on shoes and socks.
- Throws a ball.
- Shows interest in Braille.
- Carries toys while walking.
- “Sorts” his food - feels around for the shape/texture he wants and pushes the rest aside.
- Stims much less. He still does his two main stims - eye poking and lip rubbing - but the lip rubbing is becoming fairly rare and he almost never covers his hands and mouth with spit when he does it anymore. He does still poke his eyes but again, much less, and he stops when told.
- Works with me on various learning/therapy tasks without fussing nearly as much (sometimes, no fussing at all!).
Happy 5th Birthday to one amazing little boy!