Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Kellin had his first appointment with the pediatric ophthalmologist on Monday.  This was a preliminary visit and exam to discuss the sedated MRI/eye exam/ultrasound that Kellin will have in a couple weeks.  The purpose of all of this is to accurately diagnose Kellin's eye condition and to see if there is potentially anything that could be done to give him more vision.  At this first visit, the doctor feels that the most accurate diagnosis is probably microthalmia (small eyes).  For those of you who haven't seen Kellin, his eyes are small and usually closed or only partly open.  His eyes pretty much just look white, although he has a darker spot in both eyes that sort of looks like a pupil (although not as dark or well-defined as a pupil generally would be).  The sedated exam will allow the doctor to look at the formation of Kellin's eyes and brain.  It is not likely that anything can be done to give him more vision, but it is possible so of course we want to explore that.

In other news, Kellin continues to eat like a champ.  He is finishing off half to a full jar of baby food per meal, three times a day.  He still fusses about it sometimes but is getting better about opening his mouth.  He sometimes holds a spoon but prefers not to, and he doesn't usually like the feeling of food on his hands or face.  I think he hates that way more than he dislikes food in his mouth.  Too bad he hasn't figured out that if he holds still, we could get the food all the way into his mouth without smearing it on his face.  :)  He still tends to wiggle around and turn his head a lot.

He is getting closer to crawling!  He never goes into a hands-and-knees position by himself but if I put him into it, he will tolerate it for a while.  He is completely unmotivated to try crawling, but I have found in the last couple days that if I put his favorite musical toy a few feet away and turn it on, he will move forward with a little help.  Still NOT his favorite activity.

As far as the other kids - Pooh is doing awesome with potty-training!  He usually tells us when he needs to go and then sits and does his business.  He is even starting to poop in the potty (sorry to gross everyone out)!  Rabbit is working on her school play.  She is a narrator and has the honor of being the person who introduces the whole show to the audience.  Pretty exciting!  Tigger is still Tigger - energetic and talkative as always.  He is into the game Minecraft now and talks about it constantly.  Along with his Legos, of course!  All is well in our household!

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