Friday, February 20, 2015

This Kid is Amazing!

Kellin has been home four weeks (tomorrow), and I have realized that this kid is amazing!!  He does something new every day!  His newest accomplishments:

Kellin is EATING!  As of about three days ago, he has decided that eating from a spoon is okay, and he will eat up to half a jar of baby food fruits or veggies at a meal!  He still fusses about it a little sometimes, but he also smiles sometimes and willingly opens his mouth for the spoon.  Sometimes he puts the spoon in his mouth himself.

He holds and explores nearly everything he can find!  Remember that when I met him nearly six week ago, he would not grasp anything in his hands and if I wrapped his fingers around it, he would immediately drop it.  Now he holds toys, puts them in his mouth, shakes them, feels around for them if he drops them, AND he is learning how to turn musical toys on by pushing buttons (okay, he just bangs on them until the music starts, but hey, that counts, right?).  He also has favorite toys.

If he's in a good mood, he will tolerate being on his tummy.  He lays on his tummy on the floor or on top of Mommy or Daddy, and he will go up into a hands-and-knees position (with help).  We're hoping he will learn to crawl at some point!

He giggles SO much more!  He giggles when other people giggle, when he is tickled, and when Daddy sings certain songs.  He really has the most precious giggle.

He is SLEEPING!  Okay, he still wakes up once during the night most nights, but all I have to do is help him find his blankie, cover him back up, and say "night-night," and he usually goes right back to sleep.

He seems to be responding to his name!  He is definitely responding to familiar voices, and it seems like he listens when he hears his name.

He is stimming much, much less.  I hardly ever see him hit his eyes anymore, and he is not poking his eyes nearly as much.  He rarely plays with his lips (sending spit flying everywhere).  Of course, I still have to be persistent with reminding him, but he is easily re-directed most of the time.  He still has some other stims, but they are not harmful and they are comforting to him.  I think he is actually enjoying using toys instead.

He has gained 1 1/2 pounds!  He now weighs almost 21 pounds!

He went to see the orthopedic doctor and for the most part, he looks good!  His hips are a little loose but not dislocated, so we just need to see how they develop now that he is able to stand, walk, and move around throughout the day.

He is definitely understanding a few words!  He responds to "up" by lifting his arms.  He sometimes reaches for his bottle when he hears "eat."  He stops what he is doing if he hears "no."  He is learning what "all done" means.  I think he knows "blankie" and "choo-choo" (meaning his ride-on train).  We are also working on "diaper" and "night-night."  And of course, trying to learn "Mama" and "Dada" and the names of his brothers and sister.

And in other news, Pooh (Kellin's "twin") IS OUT OF DIAPERS (at least when he's awake - we're still doing diapers for sleeping).  Looking forward to only having ONE in diapers.

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