Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Another (Small) Connection to Our Son

Last night I had the privilege of speaking over the phone with someone who visited Kellin's orphanage last year and was able to meet him.  Some of what she had to say was heartbreaking, but it was also reassuring to hear that she felt his orphanage was a good one (although not at all set up for helping a blind child) and she felt that the caregivers wanted to help Kellin but just didn't know how.  She also described him as "sweet."  Awwww.  Don't get me wrong; she feels that his need to get out of the orphanage and into a family is urgent, due to the fact that he is not thriving because no one there is trained to provide care that would encourage growth and independence for a blind child.  Her impression was that he spends the majority of his time in his crib and is basically treated as a baby, rather than as a toddler who should be allowed to play and explore.  Still, I welcome any tidbit of information and any tiny connection we can make to our precious son.

Fundraising is going full force!  Our AMAZING nine-year-old daughter has raised almost $1500 with her "Koins 4 Kellin" fundraiser and she continues to get containers of spare change back regularly!  These are, for the most part, containers filled with coins and sometimes a few dollar bills.  She has received a couple containers back with larger donations; however, the lesson here is - never underestimate the impact of a small donation!  Every little bit truly, truly helps.  Our fundraising thermometer is slowly but steadily rising.

A wonderful woman at our church is coordinating a fundraiser for us on Sunday, July 27th from 10-3.  Although I don't know all the details yet, I know that food and Bingo are planned, so if you live locally, please consider joining us that day for some food and fun.  Mark your calendar!

A heartfelt thanks to everyone who has prayed for us and our son, voiced their support to us, and donated toward our adoption.  I have heard many stories of families whose decision to adopt was met with rude comments, disapproval, and lack of support, even from their families.  We have experienced NONE of those things!  Our extended family and community are truly wonderful!

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