Sunday, June 8, 2014


Our daughter's "Koins 4 Kellin" fundraiser has been a huge success!  Of the 40 or so containers she has handed out, she has received about 10 of them back so far (and we know many people are still working on filling theirs up), and has already brought in almost $250!  Wow!  It's amazing what one determined, creative, and awesome nine-year-old can do!  With the help of friends and an amazing church family, of course.

In light of her success, we thought perhaps we could expand on the idea a little bit.  For those who don't know, "Koins 4 Kellin" is very simple - just take one of our daughter's decorated containers, fill it up with spare change, and bring it back.  On average, when filled with just coins (no bills), a container can hold $10-15.

So the challenge is this: would anyone out there be willing to try "Koins 4 Kellin" in their church, neighborhood, or workplace?  If you live locally, our daughter would be happy to give you some of her containers to hand out.  If you live farther, would you be willing to hand out a few containers of your own, or place a larger container in a location where people could toss in a few coins?  Or pass around a coffee can for a "noisy offering" at your church?  The money can be donated by check to our account at Reece's Rainbow, or mailed to us directly.

Thanks, everyone!


  1. Can you send one down with Eric on Friday? Thanks Lisa

  2. I assume you mean Saturday, which is the day of the run. And yes, we will bring one for you.


Thank you for your comment. I will put it up on the blog as soon as I review it for appropriateness.
