Monday, August 25, 2014

Sad Day Yesterday

We attend a wonderful church and have been members there for over 9 years.  We joined the church when our oldest was just a baby, which happened to be just after a new pastor had started there.  That pastor ended up becoming a good friend; she baptized all three of our children and has been one of our biggest supporters during this adoption process.  However, yesterday was her last day as our pastor.  She is moving on to a new calling, and while it was a beautiful service, it was very emotional, and many were in tears as she said farewell.  She will be greatly missed!  She told us that one of her regrets was that she will not be there to meet and baptize our new son when he arrives home with us.  And then she led the congregation in singing happy birthday to Kellin.  It was an overwhelmingly emotional moment.

Kellin's third birthday is now just four days away!  On Friday, he turns three years old - his last birthday without a family.  We are asking that you consider donating $3 to our adoption fund, in honor of his birthday.  Since I originally made this request, we have had two donations and would love to have a few more by Friday.  I truly feel that this gift goes beyond being just money; it is a celebration of our son's right to be alive, cherished, loved, and worthy.  We are celebrating his life!

We have many items left over from our garage sale, including tons of infant/toddler clothes for boys and girls in most sizes from 0-3 months up to 4T, many children's books and toys, a baby walker, an exersaucer, and many other miscellaneous items.  If you are local and would be interested in purchasing in any of these things, please let me know.  I'd be happy to share pictures of the items we have available.

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