Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Big Steps (Literally

Kellin took his first steps last week!  He has taken several steps at a time, several times this week - all by himself!

We decided to make it a goal to go out for lots of bike rides this summer, so we invested in new bikes for the adults and for Rabbit, who had outgrown her old bike, and bought a bike carrier for Kellin and Pooh to ride in.  We went out for our first family bike ride last weekend - and Kellin LOVED it!  He loves sunshine and wind, and combine that with the movement of the bike carrier - he was giggling and babbling the whole time.  And sitting next to him - Pooh fell asleep.  Hoping we can get out for many more bike rides this year!

As promised, as few videos:

Here's a video of Kellin's precious little giggle as he plays with Daddy.

And one of him standing up all by himself, without holding on to anything.

And one of him walking!  Not his best steps, but still exciting.

And can anyone guess what Pooh's latest obsession is?  Puzzles, of course!

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