Monday, April 20, 2015

It's the Little Things

In the past week, we haven't seen as many of those huge leaps in development with Kellin - but there is magic in the little things.

Kellin is laughing in response to others' laughter.  Previously he would laugh if tickled, and sometimes when overstimulated he laughs hysterically at nothing, but now he will laugh just when he hears others laugh.

He signs "more" (holding our hands) when he wants to sing another verse of a song, or when he wants more water splashed on his tummy in the bath (he loves that).

He can walk with just one hand held, although he prefers to hold two hands.

He can get himself up from the floor into standing without holding onto anything, and often lifts a toy up with him.

He will play (sometimes) with non-musical toys, like a spoon and pan, or a stuffed animal, or a textured toy, or a vibrating toy.  He will move away from his favorite musical cube after awhile to find out what else is around - he's exploring!

He is learning where his toys are kept.  He has his own toy cubbies, with each of his toys having its own spot, and he is definitely starting to figure this out - he knows his cube is in the upper row of cubbies, and he knows his keyboard is up on top.

He is showing some beginning interest in books.  The three boys have story time together before bed, and we always read one of Kellin's books.  He also holds it and chews on it while we read the other boys' books.

He is more tolerant of touching grass with his hands and feet.  As long as you keep him busy with songs or games, he will let his hands or feet rest in the grass.

I'm hoping to have some videos to share in my next post!  Stay tuned!

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