-Kellin can move around! He sits, crawls, stands, walks with support, and can get himself into these different positions without help (for example, he can from sitting or crawling to standing up without needing to hang on to anything - he gets into a "bear" position on all fours and then stands up)
-He holds and plays with toys. He has favorite toys and will "look" for them if someone turns them on or even if we just say "cube" or "table."
-He understands many words and phrases: blankie, night-night, crib, water, diaper, no, hands down, no poking, eat, bottle, cube, table, piano, up, sock, shoes, pat-a-cake, march, walk, all done, more, on, mama, dada, book, his name, light, hug, cup, song, and probably a few more I can't think of right now. He knows how to do the actions for the songs: I've Been Working on the Railroad, The Ants Go Marching, Open Shut Them, Pat-a-Cake, and kind of knows a few others.
-He signs "all done" and seems to say "mama," "on" (for turning on his toys), and maybe "more." Also this morning he seemed to sign "hungry" by patting his tummy.
-He knows many songs and actions. He "requests" certain songs by pulling our hands through the actions and if you name a song, he will start the actions on his own, so we know he understands the names of several of his favorite songs.
-He eats from a spoon. His favorite food is definitely yogurt, but he will also eat baby food fruit and oatmeal. He can drink from a sippy cup and an open cup if someone holds it for him.
-He likes to cuddle and hug with Mommy, Daddy, and big sister.
-He sleeps 8-9 hours most nights and takes a 1-2 hour nap most days.
-He is stimming much, much less. He doesn't play with his lips and spit very much anymore (except when he is in his crib before he falls asleep) and if we say "hands down," he usually stops. He still pokes his eyes quite a bit but responds when we say "no poking."
And some pictures! (FYI - We just got a trampoline, but Tigger was at a birthday party this morning when I was out there taking pictures.)
Our accomplished gymnast! |
Pooh attempting a somersault |
Kellin loved to bounce on the trampoline! |
Our best attempts at Easter pictures - not bad, really! |
Brothers |
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