Friday, January 16, 2015

Brief Update

Flight was delayed, but apparently that was a good thing
as a mistake had been made at the notary.
Kathleen and Kellin are now in Guangzhou.  I had to have her clarify exactly what our status is.  He is completely our child right now, but Guangzhou is where you go through the necessary paperwork to make him able to travel into the United States and become a citizen.

The flight was a little bit rough, but Kellin did pretty well, and only fussed the last little bit.  That might have been due to completely soaking his diaper, and pants and Kathleen.  And apparently there was a huge line for the bathroom, so they just waited until landing to take care of it. Today Kellin goes to the doctor to make sure he isn't carrying any diseases the would prevent him from being allowed into the country.

Kellin is growing more comfortable with Kathleen, and she says he actually likes being held quite a bit now!  She thinks he may even have said "mama" and meant her!  Just amazing how much a child can change in such a short period of time when they get what they need.

I can't tell from this picture to what extent he is standing on
his own and how much he is leaning on Grandpa
On the home-front, nothing too new here. Grandma is here to help entertain the kids for the weekend so I can get a break and have some time to catch back up on work that has been neglected.  We had some issues cleaning the house yesterday, and I have to admit I really lost my temper.  But we all worked through it.  Rabbit and I had a very successful infusion set change this morning, no pouting, no crying, and it was done in 5 minutes!

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