Saturday, January 10, 2015

First Full Day in China

On the first day in China, Kathleen and her dad had a chance to see some sights and take in the local culture.  They toured the Great Wall and went to a jade factory.  Michael had an interesting experience when buying a sim card for his tablet. The one store sold them but did not activate them.  The shop owner had her daughter take him to where he could get it activated - on the back of her scooter!  I wish I had a picture of that!  I guess in all getting around by vehicle has been interesting as any road signs and lane markings are apparently just suggestions.

Maybe the most exciting place Kathleen visited today was Bethel, the group-home for blind children that Kellin stayed in for a time.  Kathleen got a tour of the facility.  She said all the children there wanted to play with her.  She of course had to keep asking for translation of what they were saying.  Really special, the staff at Bethel put together a photo album of all the pictures they had of Kellin, including one that we had never seen before.  They also wrote little messages in it to Kellin.  Hopefully we will get a scanned in version of the book for you to see.

Back on the home-front, we have been very busy.  We took Rabbit to gymnastics, and stopped to eat at McDonald's afterwords because I didn't think I would have time to cook supper as we did not get back until 6:20.  Usually whatever parent was not at gymnastics would have supper waiting upon return.  This morning we did all the chores, and finally "finished" about 10:00.  I say "finished" because laundry is never ending, and there are a few small things I haven't done yet, like getting dressed for the day.  Sometime this weekend I need to clean the garage to make room for the new van.

One way I got the kids to participate in cleaning this morning was by telling them it was the only way we were going to make it to see Annie in the theater this afternoon.  I want the kids to see the movie so they have a realistic depiction of what it is like taking an orphan into your home :P  Don't send me nasty comments for that last sentence - I am of course kidding.

While Kathleen is gone I do plan on making preparations for Kellin in addition to making room for the van in the garage.  We need to put the crib together, something I'm sure Pooh and Tigger will want to be big helpers for.  Also Kellin needs a safe place to play.  Currently a lot of Tigger's Legos make it up into the living room, so we are discussing a solution.  Legos aren't safe to have around a child until we know we can trust him to keep things out of his mouth.

Tomorrow is the really big day!  If all goes according to plan, Kellin will be in Kathleen's arms.  So hopefully, tomorrow's post will have pictures of that!

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