Thursday, January 7, 2016

One Year Ago . . . January 7th

One year ago today, I bid my family a very tearful good-bye as they dropped me off at a hotel near the airport so I could be on my way to China early the next morning. I felt such a mix of emotions. I was excited to be so close to meeting Kellin. I was sad at the fact that I wouldn't see my husband or children for over two weeks (and I had never been away from my children for more than a night or two). I was worried about the long flight and the great distance I was going - after all, you never know what could happen, right? And I was scared - scared about this very big thing we were doing, and scared at the knowledge that even when I came home, our family would never be the same.

Of course, the excitement won. And I had a sense of peace that even though this was a scary, life-changing journey, it was the one we were meant to be on. Kellin was our son and I was finally on my way to go and get him!

I knew we had to be up around 3 AM the next morning to be on our way to the airport, but I didn't sleep much anyway. The butterflies in my stomach were enough to keep me awake.

I was lucky enough not to travel alone. My dad met me at the hotel that evening, ready to join me for the entire trip to China. He is an experienced international traveler and many, many times over the next 17 days, he would keep me from being totally lost and unsure of what to do. I am so thankful for his willingness to go on this exciting, life-changing, and hard journey with me.

Please stay tuned for more "One Year Ago . . . " blog posts over the next few weeks!

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