Friday, January 15, 2016

Two New Special Kiddos

I am taking a quick break from my "One Year Ago" posts to share two waiting children that have caught my eye, and my heart, recently.

This little guy is called Braydin.
He is almost two years old and has Down Syndrome. He is said to be doing well developmentally. Doesn't he have the cutest little face?? He is listed with an agency that offers huge grants to families who adopt children with Down Syndrome, so his adoption fees are probably the lowest you can find. Down Syndrome is not a scary special need. With all of the medical care, education, and therapy available in the U.S., many children with Down Syndrome will grow into adults that are capable of living independently or semi-independently, and Braydin is already said to be doing well. I just want to pick this cutie up and squeeze him!

And this handsome little man is called Kevin. He is four years old and has no special needs. He was labeled "delayed" as an infant but has caught up in all areas. He had a family coming for him but they were not able to complete his adoption, so he needs a new family. While most children with mild needs are considered "LID," meaning that they can only be matched with a family who has already submitted all their paperwork to China, this little boy is considered "special focus," meaning that any family can receive pre-approval to adopt him, even without a completed home study (we did this for Kellin - we submitted our letter of intent to adopt him before even starting our home study, and received pre-approval before our home study was completed).

I would be happy to refer anyone interested in the adoption of either of these boys to the appropriate people!

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